Fastest Way To Make Money Online

Fastest Way To Make Money Online

Assalam Alaikum viewers today I am going to give you information that how you can Fastest Way To Make Money Online today I am going to share information with you about the app which you will use and through it You can make good money by sitting at home, I am not saying that you can earn millions of rupees or you will become rich. If you want to earn millions, you can earn. It depends on your hard work, your struggle, your dedication. On your time, today I will talk about the center app that you can use where you can earn good money as a reseller and women can do it sitting at home. Brother, please tell us through which app we can earn online, so I was also searching for it,

our team was engaged, so finally we came to the conclusion that we have found the Markaz app and on that we came to know that You can make a good profit and run your own house on this, so I am going to share the information with you, you must be looking on my phone in the second window, this is the Ji Markaz app, you have to go to the Play Store. You have to install it there. After installation, it will ask for your number. You have to give your phone number. After that, this Markaz app is yours. The way I have opened it, your Markaz app will open like this.

Fastest Way To Make Money Online

After this, you can check on your screen to see that their stories are also posted here, which are available to those who have them. You can find everything on this app, whatever you want to buy or sell, but it depends. Your interest rate is based on what you are interested in, like here you can find women’s clothes, accessories, shoes, then cosmetic products, then jewelry related, all these bags are like this. The things are attached here, now what you have to do, how to use it, we understand and see it now, for example, like my heart is here, first, you can find the things you like.

On top of this app, I can sell these things. Next, what do you want to do with it? Like for example, this is a bag, what did I do to the bag? I think I’ll sell it man I’ve got guts I’ll sell it so I favorited it then ji then I went to ji what-things I like ji then I thought man I like to wear clothes and I You can also sell it, you can also do its marketing well. I liked it and favorited it. Now what do you have to do? You have to go here. If you go down in profile, you will see it here. Go to favorite. Go to favorite. Have you seen the things I have favorited? Right now, I have favorited this cotton suit, the price of which is eighteen hundred and thirty-five. Fastest Way To Make Money Online

Then I have bought a bag. Now, what do you do on top of that? I will sell the bag nowadays, children are going to school, related to it, good women will also buy it, children will also like it, so what should I do with it? Simple, you have to go here and copy its details, it will be its details and I will Yes, there is an option to download. What is the download? Yes, as many pictures as they have uploaded, two, three, four of this bag will be saved in your gallery as soon as they are saved, as you are watching.  Fastest Way To Make Money Online The download is complete, now what will I do? Yes, I will go to my WhatsApp.

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Go to WhatsApp. If you go to Google on Google, you will write here, you will join all the groups of Pakistan online, you will see them here, you will see thousands of top one thousand WhatsApp links, and then eight hundred plus will come. In this way, you will join the WhatsApp group. Yes, shopping related. What to do after that. Yes, you will go again. Yes, on your WhatsApp, you have joined the group. I have joined. What should I do? Yes, I have to go. First of all, yes, I have backed up the pictures from my gallery. Yes, three of his pictures have been saved in my gallery. You can check this and it has become three. Yes, you can see these three types of pictures. Now what to do? Yes, I have copied the details here and pasted them here. Yes, I have pasted it here. You are checking it on your screen now. This bag is full detail of it.

It is of brand. It is powder. It is girls, ladies, whatever. After that, I have to see it. What was the price of it in the mall? How much was it? There was this bag of fourteen hundred and forty-five rupees. Now sir, let me tell you one thing, the best thing is that it will be delivered all over Pakistan at ninety rupees. You have joined and you have to write its price there. The price price is 14 hundred forty five rupees. Yes, what to do now is that you have to add your profit to it. The price was 14 hundred forty five. So below, I have to write the DC delivery charges, they have become yours, ji ninety, this is to be sent to your customer from here. Fastest Way To Make Money Online

Now what you have to do is to get the details of the customer, where is his home and where to deliver, and on top of that you should also attach your Jais cash from where the money will come into your account through the Markaz app, what should you do? You can also go to Facebook groups if you go to Facebook, you can write online shopping groups there too, then you can also go to WhatsApp. they come Then post stories on Instagram. If you post stories from the place, you will collect from there and you can do all your marketing by going there.

Fastest Way To Make Money Online

After you placed the order, your customer gave you the order. When the order was given to you, what should you do? You should go for the place order. You will go for the place order. One pack. One hundred and two hundred I have put profit here Ji what happened now Ji total wholesale price all these things are in their wholesale prices Ji fourteen hundred and forty five that price was two hundred I added ninety rupees of my profit Ji its DC this is the total price Ji This is seventeen hundred and thirty five rupees total, what should I do now, this will pay your customer, good for you.

How Make Money Online

Yes, you have to check now what is the status of the order? Yes, you can check it, it will arrive, yes, progress, your order has been delivered, returned, is there any missile, this is how your order will go to your customer, it will go to the customer, I will tell you one thing, you are a big thing. The Markaz is making you very special for you. If we go back, I will show you. You can also create your app business details in it. Fastest Way To Make Money Online Through this he sent me, he will feel the same for example like I have written this. I have kept my name. If you save it, then you will know that this quality store Lahore sent this favor to me, the number of the quality store Lahore sent to me will be added. Now they know that you have sent it.

If it doesn’t happen, what’s in it? This way you can send it from here. After that, if you have any problems or your customer doesn’t like the product, the center says that we have seven days. It also has a return policy inside and exchange can be done. Good viewers, let me share one more thing with you. At this time, if I show you how many people have downloaded it, it’s almost one. Millions of people have downloaded it. Yes, check it. Yes, it has one million downloads and now thousands of people are working on it. If you want to contact them, you are facing a problem. If there are, I will also share the contact number of the center with you. So you can do this with them and the rest of your time will be transferred as well Fastest Way To Make Money Online


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