Earn Money Online Without Investment by Just Clicking Photos

here you will learn how to earn money online without investment by just clicking photos from mobile phone. This is step by step tutorial for Beginners about Shutterstock where you can sell photos, videos and earn money.

If you search about making money on the internet, you will find only one vieo out of a hundred that will be showing the method of real earning and that is this video. Today I am going to tell you how you can There is a company in America and you can earn from your mobile by working with it and you will get its withdrawal through pure need, which will also come to your easy cash account. You can watch this video if you like. You want to earn what is complete from mobile and want to do real earning.

let’s talk to us and talk about how we can earn money. The number must be mobile and you know how to take pictures with it, because here we will learn to take photos from mobile and sell them, so first of all let me tell you how you can take photos, so any This video can be like, I do what students like most because you guys are on the move, you go to university, you go to college, you have more granaries, you see somewhere, you must do it. OK and what is it without applying more filters and after that let me tell you on a screen where to create an account, how to sell photos and how much people are earning, all the things are put on the PC screen.

So your first step is that you will get a link in the box you have to click on it as soon as you click then you will come to here as soon as you come to this then what is written here i.e. That you share your work here and start earning, first of all you have to create your work, that is, you have to create photos, then you have to submit it and what you have You will get earning and you can also earn by telling more people. Okay, now here it is like get started, you have to click on it, as soon as you click on it, then it will come. In front of the option that join the community and start selling in seconds is fine, here you have to write your name first, then you have to give the display name, then the email address and the password after that. After that you have to tick on Clarify from here and click on Next, then as soon as you click on Next,

Earn Money Online Without Investment by Just Clicking Photos from Mobile

Check your email to verify your account. Now what you have to do is that you Open the same email and there you will have received an email in Gmail. You have to go to this email. It is ok as it has come here. Verify your email address. Please click here. You have to click on and from here your e-mail account will also be verified. Okay, now see this. Thanks, your e-mail has been verified. Now we have to click next as soon as we next If we click above, it will tell us that from here you should choose your country and you should enter your address, after that there is a phone number, you have to enter all these details, after that you have to click on next again, then after that your Something like this will appear in front: Welcome to community, we can’t wait to see your best work. Now there is an option to upload, then go to your dashboard. Currently, we go to your dashboard so that I can tell you.

Well, this is a shutter stock website, what does it do? Most of the people here are English. They take photos and videos from here for their projects or YouTube videos. We also take it for different tasks and you can upload videos and photos here and you can earn money from it. It will be found. Now here we have the option of home in front of us. OK, then there is the option of earnings, where you can get a summary of earnings, how much you have earned, then how many are your referrals, your payment history and the tech center. After that, there is the portfolio, in which you will submit your content, pending content will come, review content is fine, data catalog and all the things are there.

Clicked, which I am going to upload here, I show them so that you understand how we have to click photos. The better your photography is, the more chance you have of earning. This is a method of passive income that you will chill here by posting photos. Well, you will get your earnings side by side, so in my opinion, there is nothing better than that. Now look here I have taken some photos from dslr some from my mobile now one is this photo ok one is this photo this is how i show you all my photography ok this is As many photos as there are, these are also from the mobile phone, so this is a mix, two, four are from dslr, the rest are from the mobile phone. I am uploading it.

Remember, like I have written here, hashtag South Punjab, this kind of picture will not work. You have to take the picture without anything written around it. Edit to view. I don’t even have to do color reading on it. It’s very good. You have to take a picture. Here’s a picture. It’s very good. Besides, there are other pictures. Let’s suppose that the fire is burning. I don’t think it’s ok it’s normal in villages in villages you can take pictures like this and more pictures now what you have to do now from here you created an account here you You have to come to the portfolio, after that you have to click on submit content, from here we upload our content.

After that you have to come to wherever you have kept your photography. After that, if I have an image, then I will upload it. Before that, I will tell you one more thing. Well, when I tested it earlier, at that time, I was getting the option that the photo you have should be inside Jpeck, the JPG file should be in the file. JPG file should be this file, so I click on it and open it and now what is our picture is being uploaded here. If there is something or not, I check the issue, so look here, your picture should be of 4 megapixels, that is, 4 MB. I clear it, which means that this picture of mine will not be used.

I check which one is my picture which is more than 4MB, we upload it and I got this picture which is 6MB which means they want a jpg file and 4MB. We need a picture of more than 100. Now this is the picture. OK, what do I do? I upload it from here. Now we upload this picture which is our picture. It has been uploaded, now I have to click on it, ok, from here I select it, after selecting, from here there is the option of submit, there is the option of edit, I go to edit it. You have to write what is called title tags and description. Now look at this picture. According to the picture, you have to write all the details so that the better you write, the better you do it, the better people will see it.

picture and so much more will be sold. Now look here, I have a floor, that is, a flower. What should I do? I have to open the simple shutter stock again so that I can do it well. Now here. I simply open it, so here I write pink flower. Okay, from here we write flowers because our flower is pink. We see what people have done in this regard. There is one. This picture is a little relevant to my picture. From here I see what is written in it. It is written in it. sunlight in nature something like this is given in it so I write it here so here I wrote beautiful pink flour in green nature I have this nature word because many people search it right green word Therefore, what is use, it is also searched, flower is flower, so you have to choose the words that most people will search for, and here your description should not be too long.

I have to write five or six words, then there is the category, here you have to choose my nature, I have chosen that, then the image type is the photo, okay, if you look at it, you can also do listration, you can also do videos. There are many options, then it comes after that, if you write key words here, then it will suggest some key words to you like background is beautiful. It means that if you have written a description, it will suggest about it. Moreover, if you want to write it yourself, you can also put it. All the details are complete now what we have to do now we have to click submit It has gone to pending, now our photo is pending, it is also written as pending. Okay, if I want to check what it is, it will take about five working days within which it will be sent to you. Check it and put it in, it’s OK and after that, your content is available for sale.

When you take all the content pictures you are taking, go take good pictures, okay, after that, go and upload what is here. You will be cleared and the show will start in front of people. When it will be shown in front of people and they will download it, then your earning will start. Now you will think Kashi brother how we will get earning? From here, I will show you by going to earnings, it is ok in earnings, we go to payment history, it is written here that you will see payout history verse your reach minimum pay out, which means that your minimum is twenty five dollars. When you get the payout, twenty five dollars will be credited to your account, then you will get the option of settings. Still we click on accounts setting.

From here, I will show you which options are available for earning. It is ok. It is not selected in the payout method. See here. Peonal’s option is available. As soon as I make the option available, it will tell me to connect account. That is. Create an account and install it with it. If you do not have an account, you will find the video in the description. Create your account. You can connect with JasCash and your payment will be transferred to JasCash. This is a method that you can earn by working here through shutter stock, ok, bring your content here, create your portfolio in it, ok, submit content and as much as possible.

They should submit it, as soon as you have whatever you have, they will upload it, that is, they will review it and deliver it to the people. will remain and as soon as there are twenty five dollars and take your withdrawal in pure near. So this is a very good procedure, very simple procedure. I myself have posted three or four things from my other account in it. Now as soon as they are approved and as soon as they are sold. As soon as I withdraw, God willing, I will make another video and show it to you. Okay fine. So this is the real way, the real genuine way that you guys can really earn. I will tell you that absolutely you should do it and women can do it too. Men can do it too. It is very simple, I will keep all my thoughts, Allah Hafiz.


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