Best Way of Earning Online In Pakistan by Ali Express

Best Way of Earning Online In Pakistan by Ali Express

By watching Allahu Rahman Al Rahim Assalam Alaikum where many people earned money by learning and earning but there were many people who have not earned a single rupee online till date this post is for those people because in this I am going to show how to do practical. I am going to teach one thing like children. Best Way of Earning Online In Pakistan by Ali Express If you want to learn, then this video is enough for you. I am going to do one thing with practical. You can go, my brother, but I am going to do one practical thing, let’s start, first of all, sir, there is a fishing toy in front of you and its price in the market here is thirty one hundred and ninety.

If I search on Ali Express and come here, you will see here that there are 1,421. First of all, then this is a subway train toy. If you go and get it in the market, it is also available at a low price. It is available here for two thousand two hundred and seventy, which is less than half. But if we come and see, it is found in two seventy five, now we can’t open the shop, what will we do, brother, Mr. How is it? Instagram drawer OLX everywhere but only come to Instagram and check first, here if I go to the search and search for this basket with french fries, then you can see that it is being sold on Instagram for twenty five hundred rupees. Well, it is not that the orders are not coming, if you go and see them, the followers are also nine thousand five hundred and thirty and they are selling many similar items.

Best Way of Earning Online In Pakistan by Ali Express

And this is a small fishing toy, sir, it is available for nineteen ninety. Here, first of all, sir, we have arrived on Ali Express. Now here you have to see some things. I will tell you what to do. For example, there are many things here. Everything in the world can be found here. You will find it from Instagram and from online websites. You have to check it everywhere. It is a lamp. How much is it here and how much is it in other places? It is a humidity fire. I also showed it in a video.

These are the things I ordered myself, then this is a car mount, a car phone, this is a clipper. Look at all these wooden things, first of all you have to create an Instagram page, you have to create a Facebook page, you have to create an account on OLX, you have to open your shop on which you can touch wherever you can. They are free, they don’t take money, they don’t take money, they don’t take money, they don’t take it, they don’t take it, they don’t take it, they don’t take it, they don’t take it, they don’t take it, they don’t take it, they don’t take it, they don’t take it. I am giving an example of the page.

This is a page. I don’t know who it belongs to, but since we made the video, Masha’Allah, they also started it and it is running quite well. Now, if you look here, there are many They are selling things, ok, now post these things and where do you get all this, brother, this will also be given to you by Ali Express. For example, we have to open any product. We have opened this product. The picture has arrived. We will save this picture directly. This is the save button above. It is OK. Here it is before after. You can save all these things. You will save it, then its description, what is it about, bro, this is all, copy it, it’s OK, put it in the Facebook Insta drawer, or separate it, paste it, it’s OK, post it,

How to get free money on AliExpress

then you can post it here. If it is for ninety eight, then you can send it for six hundred seven hundred eight hundred with delivery or without delivery. We will not spend money yet. We will not spend money. Patience. You know where you have to post the pictures and where you have to write the description below. No one knows what Khadi is, no one knows what Satrangi is, no one knows what brand names are like that. In every post, put the name in the description below that it’s ok, it’s a nice and cute logo, just like they made it, you can also make your own, put it on all the pages, put it on all the pages,

now when you get the message. You will get the message, it will not come in Urdu or in English. Translate it as much as possible in Google. Now this local market is not Amazon’s job. If you open an Amazon account, then this will happen. The local market is not being handled by you. You will go to Amazon and work. What have you done on the local market? Not done as soon as you place the order, half payment or full payment is done before that. Then take the delivery, what do you do in the beginning, take the money, order from there, as soon as the order comes, give the address of the employee, it is fine, don’t even give your address, give it to the employee. This is what actually happens, which is called drop shipping. Yes, create a website and then it will come from there. Oh brother, why not do it directly.

How to Make Money on AliExpress

It will also be visible on Tik Tok. You can do these things by creating an account on Tik Tok. It is fine. These are small gadgets. Where do people order these from? All of them are ordering from ali express, people are also selling on amazon by ordering from ali express, when you want to order, then you have to place the order here and after that you have to deliver, sir, I understand, now one more thing has come. Now this doesn’t even work for example, we will create our page, we will do this, we will do that, we will invest money, the customer didn’t take it, what did he do, brother, don’t even invest money, you can do affiliate marketing.

earn twenty-three hundred per day from this box. This is this video. Give this work to children. Two, this is the same video, after that click on the no investment share button, this is the mobile phone, twelve minutes and forty-five seconds, in which the method has been explained in detail. All these things are here, but how many times do I have to explain one thing at a time? You have seen that people are not earning, people’s minds, don’t you know, man, someone tells you after marriage that you have to do this and that, everyone knows why there is interest. I don’t know how it happens brother, how did you get born, man, if there is no solution to this, I have told you everything for free, but the solution is not visible, how to create a Facebook page, how to create a logo.

aliexpress Earn by Sharing

How to create a response to the message, how to respond to the customer, how to respond to the customer, how to deliver the item, how to deliver, there is a whole course on this, bro, this is a commerce course, the numbers are given below. Don’t do it, don’t take it, there’s no problem, it’s been told in free, but still someone is running, so what should I do, brother, kill me, it’s okay, Alhamdulillah, number one was to provide real content. If you don’t work, it’s my responsibility. I don’t care. Tell the whole family and after that say we did online work, online work is like that, I’m tired, I’m tired of teaching, I’m tired of teaching.

Hai Nai Di Na Math takes a tuition fee for teaching. They have six eyes, you have two, they have twenty tongues, they have four hundred legs, they are all the same as you. If you are stuck in them then why don’t you do it just because you are afraid to work, get out of your comfort zone. For God’s sake, the rest of the masters have to pray or abuse you. Do whatever you want. Be sincere with yourself. See you soon. God willing, in the next video, till then, I will take care of my loved ones till next post, I will remember them in my prayers, Allah Hafiz.


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